Picture by Rohit Chawla for India Today
“Our prioritization of financial gain over people’s struggle for the necessities of life is the cause of this crisis”
- Ai Wei Wei
This little experiment of mine was heavily inspired by Ai Wei Wei’s actions and opinions regarding the refugee crisis. Check this out too. Do note that I am not a native English speaker so I might have speling isues or getting my points delivered accurately.
So it started with an instastory by a friend of mine that I happened to came across, asking this question:
When I was two, my brother was half my age. I am hundred now. Can you tell how old is my brother? I lost to @ *insert name*
My answer was “99” and I am pretty sure that it wouldn’t be the answer. AND just as I thought, it ain’t. The answer was just a “YES”. So I was told to repost this but I am here thinking, let’s change the question by adding in the word “me”, just so people can answer it correctly HAHAHA:
When I was two, my brother was half my age. I am hundred now. Can you tell me how old is my brother? I lost to @ *insert name*
After a few minutes, a friend of mine hit me up through the dm and obviously he has gotten the right answer but he said something that made me realized how stupid this question is and why not make something viral out of it. So I decided to carry out this little experiment by posting a second question, hoping that it might get viral and help shine a light on this issue through this game.
It is the world’s fastest growing refugee crisis. Almost one million people require food aid. Which country is this? I lost to @ *insert name*
The answer is Myanmar if you just make a simple Google search on “World’s fastest growing refugee crisis”. But what I found out through the experiment was the opposite, I’ve gotten tons of reply from the first question but less than 10 (whether they are correct or not) for the second one. Why don’t people reply the second question? Below are my conclusions and thoughts.
- They don’t know the answer.
- They just don’t care.
- They searched on Google, knew the answer and decided not to answer.
- They knew the answer but decided not to answer.
- I am just wasting their time.
It’s scary tho. Majority of these people spent their time and brain power to answer the first question but not the second question. I am just too stupid to ask this question? Is the statement not powerful or scary enough? or even scarier, they just don’t give a…
I can understand the fact that not many may knew the answer, feared of getting the wrong answer or doesn’t wants to offense anyone. Those who don’t know the answer, I hope that they search it up and read it for themselves.
This is just my little experiment. So yeah.